Down & Up date

Every other Wednesday, my calendar reads: Hump Day blog promise. I’m not even going to look when the last date was that I kept that promise, it’ll just make me feel bad about myself. But I did note that the upcoming promise is on Wednesday, April 3.

I’ve mentioned that I’m in the midst of a move and have taken no time for writing or reading. (No wonder I’m in a bit of a funk).

I really wanted to ruminate on my year’s journey. Contemplate —  to myself (and to you if any readers remain) — about roads traveled and lessons learned. I leave tomorrow for Nor Cal returning on Tuesday, the 2nd. That gives me only one day but I’m going to reread my journals and attempt a synopsis — to be posted as promised. It’s a discipline thing (not my middle name), whether you’re there or not. But if you are, thank you o’ so kindly. It helps my writing to think I’m sharing with someone.


Louis Martin sculpture
Persee, 1881


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